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Crystal Theme Unlock certain tensions in oneself

Crystal Theme

The Crystal Theme is a fairly new energy tool that is related to today’s energies and opens up new perspectives and beliefs about oneself more in line with what one is really in the deepest of oneself.

It represents in a way our energy architecture and allows to apprehend our founding energies, our personal operations. One can thus discover levers to unlock certain tensions in oneself, to open oneself to certain potentials or particularities which one could see at the base as being part of our weak points and which, once revealed and integrated, can really become elements that will be the strength of what we are, what we can bring to others and share.

The Crystal Theme also makes it possible to realize when one works in the right way with respect to one of these energies or when one is as it is said there in “inversion” compared to one or the other of these energies, that is, they are not integrated in the right way.

It is important to be able to judge oneself as little as possible, to forgive oneself the moments when one finds oneself in this configuration, because it is also that which can continue to maintain an energy as well.

There are stones with which one can be “in inversion” over a long period, and others where it moves even during a single day.

And anyway, to fully integrate each energy, we have to experiment both!

The advantage is that when we get as much as possible in line with these energies, we reach more well-being and things work better in our lives and we feel more in tune with ourselves.

It then becomes much easier to raise one’s vibratory rate and stay on one’s path.

This document saves you from tedious calculations and hours of work. The result is ready to be put into practice.

In order to create your Crystal Theme, we will need your personal data (first names, name and date of birth).

We will gladly provide you with this document in PDF format, so that you can discover even more about yourself.

Image of Crystal theme

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