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Feng Shui promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

"The ultimate goal of the house is the well-being of those who live in it." Alberto Eiguer

zen buddha 300x129 1What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient art of Chinese origin that aims to harmonize the environmental energy of a place so as to promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupants.

It aims to arrange the houses to obtain a balance of forces and a circulation of energy. It is one of the Taoist arts, just like traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture.

This art is based on the presence of two opposing forces, Yin and Yang. Thus, these two principles coexist in nature and are at the origin of the vital energy which surrounds us and which is also in us.

Just like yoga or tai chi that improve the flow of energy in our body, feng shui aims to facilitate this movement in our environment.

Habitat-inhabitant harmonization took on considerable importance in the Aquarian Age for a more harmonious life and better physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Is it not easier to evolve in a harmonious environment and in which one feels good?


feng shui 300x223 1Harmonization of your habitat

Habitat-inhabitant harmonization took on considerable importance in the Aquarian Age for a more harmonious life and better physical, emotional and mental well-being. Is it not easier to evolve in a harmonious environment and in which one feels good?


  • Harmonization of the habitat thanks to the principles of Feng Shui.
  • Know what your habitat will bring you and allow you to live.
  • Advice for decoration when moving into its new habitat or in the current habitat.
  • Support when looking for houses or apartments, to find the one that suits you best.

Calculation of your directions – favorable sectors

Do you position yourself in your good personal directions in your daily life?

Your life number (or figure Kua or Gua) serves, among other things, to position yourself in a habitat, to choose rather this or that room. It is used to orient its headboard rather North or South, to benefit from the best Chi currents in all circumstances.

In any Feng Shui study, we check all directions of the inhabitants to identify the main problems.

Simply turning one’s bed, changing places, and orienting one’s desk differently will benefit from a much more favorable chi flow and have a positive impact on your life.

Here are the worries / troubles that can be encountered when one is not oriented in the right directions:

Mishaps, arguments, tensions, sleep problems, unexpected difficulties, betrayals, obstacles, fatigue, indolence, legal problems, illness, loss of money.

This document saves you from tedious calculations and hours of work. The result is ready to be put into practice.

To be able to indicate your personal directions, we will need your personal data (first name, last name, sex and date of birth).

We will gladly provide you with this information in PDF format.

The directions and sectors

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

Calculation of the annual flying stars

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

The annual flying stars are used during a Feng Shui expertise to refine the corrections made to the habitat, this sector by sector.

This analysis will indicate:

  • The astrological animal of the year and a summary of what to expect

  • The Grand Duke Jupiter

  • The year breaker

  • The Three Murders

  • The Yellow Five

  • The 9 flying stars
  • A table of activation or deactivation of the Star 9

  • A Kua Pa with the location of each phenomenon

  • A remedy is proposed for each phenomenon.

This will allow you to attract abundance and prosperity into your home.

This document saves you from tedious calculations and hours of work. The result is ready to be put into practice.

Annual flying stars

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

Calculation of the flying stars of a person

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

The flying stars of a person for a given year make it possible to know everything that the person will go through during this year, and this month after month.

We take care to calculate for you the directions that are most favorable to you, and you give a document that saves you from tedious calculations and hours of work. The result is ready to be put into practice.

Flying stars of a person

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

Calculation of flying stars of a house (24 mountains)

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

The flying stars of a house (24 mountains) are used during a Feng Shui expertise to refine the corrections made to the habitat, this sector by sector.

This analysis will indicate the flying stars of the water, the mountain, the year, the period with, for each sector, the wheel of the 5 elements and the positions of the stars, the seat and the look as well as the meaning of the mountain and water stars for each sector.

This document saves you from tedious calculations and hours of work. The result is ready to be put into practice.

The flying stars of the house (24 mountains)

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

Calculation of moving-traveling directions

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

When planning to go on vacation or to move, have you ever wondered if the date chosen was suitable for leaving in the chosen direction?

A departure in the wrong direction can spoil the holidays, or even make your new home in case of moving brings you a lot of problems.

We take care to calculate for you the directions that are most favorable to you, and you give a document that saves you from tedious calculations and hours of work. The result is ready to be put into practice.

In order to provide you with the corresponding information, we will need your personal data (first name, last name, date of birth, sex and date of departure).

We will gladly provide you with this information in PDF format.

Relocations – displacements

Feng Shui – promote the health, well-being and prosperity of its occupant

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