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Geobiology Habitat-inhabitant harmonization

"The ultimate goal of the house is the well-being of those who live in it." Alberto Eiguer

geobiologie 150x150 1Geobiology, what is it?

Geobiology (Geo-Bio-Logie)

Name derived from the Greek “geos” = earth, “bios” = alive and “logos” = discourse, study, geobiology is applied to understand the energetic interactions between living beings and their environment.

Habitat-inhabitant harmonization took on considerable importance in the Aquarian Age for a more harmonious life and better physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Is it not easier to evolve in a harmonious environment and in which one feels good?

Geobiology is the study of a place according to physical criteria (composition and state of the soil, electrical phenomena), telluric (telluric networks) and metaphysics (here are grouped all the detections that belong to the invisible and undetectable worlds other than by the feeling). It is based on the well-being of the individuals who stay there. In our practice, the habitat-inhabitant link is completely inseparable.

Intuitive and rational detection of the subtle and invisible phenomena of the environment on the living (such as water currents, telluric networks, memory of walls and objects, faults, electromagnetic waves, allied or disruptive spirits), to harmonize them to improve the quality of a place of life or work.

Geobiology appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, following the work of many scientists on the subtle phenomena described above. From the fifteenth to the twentieth, this study could be compared to the subtle worlds of dowsing. During the Middle Ages, from the 5th to the 15th century, it could be called sourcery or alchemy. During Antiquity, we could finally bring it closer, in our latitudes, Druidism.

Our geobiology services

  • Harmonization of your living space thanks to high-performance accessories -> harmonization of place…

  • Neutralization of telluric effects to better feel in your habitat -> telluric effects…
  • Attenuation of electromagnetic disturbances and concrete solutions to protect them effectively -> electromagnetic disturbances…

geobiologie 1 150x150 1Geobiology in your house

Habitat-inhabitant harmonization took on considerable importance in the Aquarian Age for a more harmonious life and physical, emotional and mental well-being. Is it not easier to evolve in a harmonious environment and in which one feels good?

Our services

  • Clarification / purification of the premises before moving in, to release and neutralize the information of the old inhabitants.
  • Harmonization of its place of life thanks to powerful accessories.
  • Neutralization of telluric effects to better feel in its habitat.
  • Mitigation of electromagnetic disturbances and concrete solutions to protect them effectively.
  • Protections against negative waves (cell phones, computers, etc …)

Geobiological protection



Matter is related to vibration.

All living things, all plants, as well as our bodies are surrounded in nature by vibrations of different forms. It goes from the Earth’s magnetic field to electrical and magnetic frequencies.

Bio-resonance is the means by which our body communicates with our environment via the vibrations of our cells. At most the resonance is harmonious, the more the vitality with which our body reacts and develops is great.

Electromagnetic fields (current) coming from technology are not in harmony with nature.

They create dispersal fields from which harmful frequencies to humans, animals and food flow.

A life without electromagnetic fields is no longer possible today. On the contrary, their number will continue to increase in the future.

Over the past 30 years, the frequency of these fields (Hertz – frequency) has increased 500 million times.

From 50 Hertz in the 1980s to 2.5 billion Hertz (wave per second).

And this increase continues to grow strongly.


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